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Genre: heavy metal / hard rock
"No Substitute" by Affair is a good solid traditional heavy metal release.
There's a lot of traditional metal style riffing on this album, and an overall 80s metal sensibility. Fortunately, the production is crisp and up to date, so, unlike metal albums from the 80s, "No Substitute" is not drowned in reverb, which I am very thankful for. Musically, it's a traditional heavy metal with, as I said, classic style riffage, classic style vocals, classic style drumming, and a bass somewhere in the mix.
A lot of traditional 80s metal - at least the more commercial stuff - also contained a lot of cheesiness in the form of sappy power ballads and over-the-top celebration of rock 'n' roll music. Those elements are also present here, but, fortunately, "No Substitute" rarely goes all the way up the eleven on the chese-o-meter.
Affair have manages to create an updated version of traditional 80s metal and hard rock with "No Substitute", which is an album that I enjoy listening to. I think it will appeal to most fans of good ole 80s heavy metal, and glamsters and fans of hard rock will probably like it, too.