A kickin' intro that makes you sit up and take notice straight away gives way to a somewhat patchy affair - a main riff that sounds like it ought to be really strong, but is weakened by poor technique.
That said, there are also some really good, fresh ideas in here, even if they are slightly beyond the abilities particularly of the bass player and drummer.
Countering this is the fact that the drummer is generally lacking fire, the singer's techniques leave much to be desired - and, to be fair to the sub-technical players which pervade the NWoBHM, I say this in the context of the piece being delivered - as things that come across as being apparent as negative qualities to me. It has to be said that I've heard far worse players, but in many of those cases, the lack of ability is made up for with pure metal energy, and the stuff I like to call fire, which overrides anything as base as technique.
Flip the single, and you have a down-tempo piece, which the band carry off with far more aplomb, falling only a little short of a full-blown epic classic, mainly because of the single note synth drone, which adds a nasty waspish buzziness in the instrumental, and a really cheap pretend string sound in the verses.
Other than that, its a cool song!
In summary, a patchy follow-up to Evil Woman, with moments that verge on greatness, showcasing a band with real potential.