Split · 2011
1. Agathocles - I. Agathocles (10:25)
- Will Gone, Lobotomy Done
- Depends Where You Live
- Worthless
- Too Fast
- The Hit
- Prince of Thieves
- Pathetic
- Permanent Struggle
- Right for Insight
- Numbers
- New (De)generation
- Braindrill Kill
2. Kerenaneko - II. Kerenaneko (6:55)
- War Obsession
- Dead to Chauvinist
- Sick Mind
- Modern Warfare
- Social Probe
- Intrusive Thought
- Shit Nation
- Ultrafeminist
3. Prosuck - III. Prosuck (9:12)
- Капитализм (Capitalism)
- Бренды (Labels)
- Трупы (Corpses)
- Стюшка (Stiushka)
- Корпоративное рабство (Corporate Slavery)
- Шубы (Fur Coat)
- Нет, спасибо (No, Thanks)
- Тебя сделали такoй (They Made You Like This)
- Застрoйка (Building-Up)
- Блядь, пoтаскуха, сучка, Шлюха (A Whore, A Hussy and a Harlot)
- Суть прoблемы (The Eye of the Problem)
- Во имя Иисуcсa, Будды и Аллахa (In the Name of Jesus, Buddha and Allah)
4. Rvota - IV. Rvota (11:06)
- Корпоративный Террор (Corporate Terror)
- Эволюция (Evolution)
- Мeня тoшнит (I'm Sick)
- Врaчeбнaя oшибкa (Medical Malpractice)
- демократия (Democracy)
- Коричневaя чумa (Brown Plague)
- 10 Aвгустa (August 10th)
- Фабрикa Cмерти (Death Factory)
Total time 37:38
Jan / Guitars, Vocals
Nils / Drums, Vocals
Bram / Bass
About this release
Bloodspit Records, 23 January 2011
CD limited to 610 copies
Thanks to Vim Fuego for the addition