"144,000 Gone" is a one-track cassette tape demo by US, Los Angeles, California based speed/thrash metal act Agent Steel. The demo was released in 1984. Agent Steel formed earlier that same year and is a five-piece on this demo.
The fact that the band features two guitarists in the lineup is clearly heard on "144,000 Gone", which is a very melodic power/speed metal track in the harder edged end of the scale. Loads of harmonies and great melodic guitar work on the track. The rhythm section is well playing and drive the music forward with great power, while lead vocalist John Cyriis shows off his powerful voice and incredible vocal range. There are some ear piercing screams on this track, which can´t be described as anything else but amazing. Cyriis is a high class vocalist.
The sound production is very rough around the edges, which is to be expected from a demo from 1984, but although some details may be lost in the slightly muddy mix, you still get a good idea of what Agent Steel are capable of both songwriting wise and performance wise. In those departments the band excel on "144,000 Gone", and a 3 star (60%) rating is warranted.