siLLy puPPy
Pretty much just checking out more ANAL BLASPHEMY by the most disgusting title and album cover brings me to the early demo MOLESTING THE CHILDREN OF GOD, a sick infusion of Molestor Kadotus from his perverse whereabouts in Tampere, Finland.
To sum it up, this one is pretty boring. It is basically a stale romp through simple drums beats, uninspiring guitar riffs and lots of animal noises that pass for vocals. Growling, grunting, screeching, gurgling etc. Really no musical value here at all and real chore to listen to.
It seems the only reason this exists was to display song titles like “Cocksucking Pope” and “Blasphemous Vomit” and share someone’s depraved art project for the cover art. While the first full album “Bestial Black Metal Filth” kept the lo-fi sound production in tact at least it has musical value and a nice (well for raw black metal) overall feel. This one is just awful sounding like a depraved lunatic learning how to do this stuff for the first time.