"Two Songs of Sorrow" is a single release by Finnish thrash metal act Anthony. The single was independently released in 1991. It follows the release of Anthony´s two 1989 demos "Impossible Mission" (May 1989) and "Perfect Violence & Concrete Destruction" (November 1989). "Two Songs of Sorrow" would be Anthony´s last release in their original run as they disbanded shortly after its release.
Compared to the material on the two demos, Anthony have obviously been influenced by the then popular Finnish death metal scene and the two tracks on the 11:59 minutes long demo are death metal with thrash metal roots, rather than the brutal and aggressive thrash metal which Anthony played on the demos. The quality of the songwriting and the performances are as high as ever. Anthony were an incredibly well playing band and they knew how to compose varied and effectful death- and thrash metal tunes too.
The sound production is a bit rough around the edges, but if you can forgive the raw nature of the recordings, there are a lot of good quality features to revel in here. A 3 star (60%) rating is warranted.