Time Signature
Ooh baby...
Genre: traditional heavy metal
"Hard 'n' Heavy" lives up to its name. It's not a bad heavy metal album at all, and it's not bad for a debut album either. It's hard hitting and its heavy. However, I do not think that it meets the standard of subsequent Anvil releases at all. It is also one of those albums that, unfortunately, do not stand the test of time and quickly end up sounding dated.
This is probably because "Hard and Heavy" is not really an innovative album as such, but rather full of trite metal and hard rock klichés and not too many original ideas.
That being said, "Hard 'n' Heavy" is not totally void of interesting ideas, and there are a number of cool elements, which, while the album as such is a bit dated, were ahead of their time and a sign of the greatness to come. "School Love" is one such example, which in many ways captures what was to become the signature sound of the metal legends of Anvil.