Demo · 1994
1. Nieporozumienie W Bezsensie Istnienia (5:15)
2. Gwałt Własnego Pożądania (6:04)
3. Przyszły Zdrajca Chezescijanskiej Masy (2:59)
4. Szalencza Pogoń Za Bezwstydną Rozkoszą (5:41)
5. Kres Ludzkiej Doskonałosci Obezwładniony Pr?#380;nością (6:18)
6. Najprostrza Martwica Zgubnej Niemocy (0:57)
Total Time 26:22
- Khorzon / Guitars
- Sylvian / Drums
- Messiah / Vocals
- Pitzer / Guitars
About this release
Self-released demo, 1994
The translated song titles are:
1. Misunderstanding in the Nonsense of Existence
2. Rape of One's Coveting
3. Future Traitor of the Christian Masses
4. The Wild Pursuit After the Shameless Pleasure
5. The Verge of Mankind's Essence Overpowered by Thirst
6. The Easiest Worry of a Harmful Debility
Re-released in 1997 on CD by Folter Records with "An Eternal Curse of Pagan Godz" demo.
Re-released in 2005 on CD by Warkult Prod. with 2 bonus tracks taken from "Zeta Reticuli" album:
7. Niezwykle Uciążliwa Droga Do Gwiazd...
8. Kiedy Głaz Nadaje Kształt Boskiej Naturze / Krąg Ognia
Re-released on tape by Hell Is Here Production.
Thanks to UMUR for the addition and adg211288 for the updates