Movie · 2004
1. Mare Nectapis
2. Mare Tranquillitatis
3. Love, Blood And Eternity
4. Primus In Orbe Deos Fecit Timor
5. Carpite Florem
6. The Way Of The Secret Rapture
7. Cogitemus Corpus Esse Mortale
8. Mare Nubium
9. Quem Di Diligunt, Adulescenes Moritur
10. Mare Serenitatis
11. Mournful Suite Of Dreams (Live Video)
12. 1168 (Live Video)
13. The Way Of The Secret Rapture
14. Manibus Date Lilia Plenis
15. Mare Serenitatis
16. Mare Procellarum (Break The Darkness Remix)
- Przemys³aw Olbryt / Vocals
- Bart³omiej Kostrzewa / Guitar
- Jacek Monkiewicz / Bass
- Roman Go³êbiowski / Drums
- Wojciech Kostrzewa / Keyboards
- Honorata Stawicka / Violin
About this release
Label: Metal Mind Productions
Thanks to Stooge for the addition and adg211288 for the updates