This album was released around the same time I had gotten into this band.
I seen the video for Bat County, and I was impressed (although they did look a little odd). Then more videos came out (one in particular that made me laugh).
This was my second buy from them, because I wasn’t too impressed from the singles, but I still liked them. And yes, the album versions of the songs are amazing and way better, and in my opinion shouldn’t have been edited.
I do think Avenged do excel at longer songs, but on this album, they did seem at times a wee bit forced, just to be a wee bit too long.
1. Beast & The Harlot - Amazing intro. It’s a bit like if the book Of Revelations had a pop vibe about it (lyrically I mean, dealing with references to Babylon and beasts). Overall, a classic composition. 10/10
2. Burn It Down - Great chorus. Love the vocal harmonies throughout and the odd key changes. 10/10
3. Blinded In Chains - Why do all these songs begin with B (well the first few do). Obvious Metallica influence. Some pretty kick ass moments. 8/10
4. Bat Country - Love the odd key changes. Great progression throughout. Synyster’s best solo in my opinion. 10/10
5. Trashed & Scattered - Quite frantic. But in a good way. Some amazing changes and odd vocals. 10/10
6. Seize The Day - Way too cheesy (and the video is hilarious, because it seems too forced to be serious). It is really well written though. 9/10
7. Sidewinder - Steely Dan metal? Best song on the album. Phenomenal instrumental and vocal work. 10/10
8. The Wicked End - Love the chorus. Pretty good, and some quite anti theist lyrics. Beautiful middle section. Very epic. 9/10
9. Strength Of The World - Intro sounds like something from a Quentin Tarentino movie. Very nice though. Very well arranged. But to too long to be honest, but still pretty impressive. 9/10
10. Betrayed - Whenever tribute songs come out, they are always very cheesy and too farfetched. But when it comes to the murder of a well respected person, and it’s from the killers perspective, but it’s a still a tribute, then that is an achievement well earned. Really well done, with a good song behind it. 9/10
11. M.I.A. - Good chorus, but a bit too cheesy for my liking. I really don’t like the lyrics. 8/10
CONCLUSION: This album is a perfect example of a band finding and progressing their sound. I think it’s perfected in the next album, but this album does show a lot of potential.