Album · 1971
A1 Entry Song "Trust in the Lord"
A2 Kyrie Eleison
A3 Prayer for Love and First Reading (1. Corinthians 13)
A4 "Consider the Heavens" Based on Psalm 8
A5 Dean Hazlewood Talks to the People
A6 "Song for the Creed"
A7 Prayer of the Church and the Intention of the Mass "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother"
B1 "The Great Thanksgiving" Words Based on Englich Series II by the Dean
B2 "The Lord's Prayer"
B3 "Lamb of God"
B4 Holy Communion Music
B5 Blessing and Last Song "Do Your Really Care?"
- John Worrall / vocals, flute
- Tom Davidson / vocals,
- Mark Verschuer / vocals
- Eddie McDonald / bass
- Rex Bullen / keyboards
- Hank Davis / drums
About this release
Astor ALPS 1032, Australia
Decca DL 7-5328, Canada
Thanks to Certif1ed for the addition and cannon, Time Signature, adg211288 for the updates