"Sweet Home Transylvania" is the second full-length studio album by US gothic metal act The Bronx Casket Co.. The album was released through Massacre Records in 2001. The Bronx Casket Co. was formed in 1998 by Overkill bassist D.D. Verni as a side-project. The lineup who recorded the debut album is intact here.
Stylistically the material on the 9 track, 56:40 minutes long album is dark, gothic themed, doomy heavy metal. Lead vocalist Myke "Spy" Hideous delivers both deep gothic tinged clean vocals, and other more regular clean vocal styles. He gets the job done, but he isn´t the most unique sounding vocalist in this style. The music features atmosphere enhancing keyboards, and some parts remind me of Type O Negative, but it´s just one influence you can hear in the music, and honestly this doesn´t come near reaching the quality of the output of Type O Negative. It´s pretty solid gothic metal though, and the quality of the songwriting is decent to good.
"Sweet Home Transylvania" features a well sounding production job, and upon conclusion it´s a good quality release. It´s not particularly unique sounding, and it won´t challenge your perceptions of what gothic metal sounds like or break any boundaries in terms of quality, but it´s still both entertaining and well thought out. A 3 - 3.5 star (65%) rating is warranted.