siLLy puPPy
B U C K E T H E A D PIKE 228 - THE CREAKING STAIRS 9th album by BUCKETHEAD in 2016 released February 24 Clocks in at 29:09 All instrumental Everything performed for you by Buck-buck-buck-buckethead All tracks are titled “The Creaking Stairs”
“Part 1” (eleven MINUTES six SECONDS) starts out as an alternative metal grungy rocker. It changes into a much more energetic riffy and alternates with short licks or leads fully leaded but not necessarily dreaded. I’m likin’ the guitar parts but the programmed drums rub me the wrong way. Dude! Hire a bleepin’ drummer!!!!! It would improve your impact a ga=frickin=zillion times!!! This track basically doesn’t really go anywhere interesting. As usual well performed but the songwriting seems to be missing from the equation, so basically ———- meh :( NICE OUTRO THOUGH - ~ :O
“Part 2” (nine MINUTES thirty seven SECONDS) basically continues uninterrupted from track one only it seems like it is a guitar solo from that track. The rhythm, percussion and everything else seem exactly the same. This one continues meandering through the very similar offerings from other PIKES. The cadences change it up here and there but the problem with me is that the overall sequence of events is so frickin’ familiar. There is nothing new here.
“Part 3” (eight MINUTES twenty six SECONDS) basically bleeds into the previous track. Starts off in the same rhythmic pattern and actually sounds like the last track in pretty much every way. Really? Can’t he at least present a totally new rhythmic pattern? I don’t even wanna go on because this is average and redundant. WTF is going on with this dude? Does he really think no one is listening or so unaware of his musical discography that no one is listening to it?
Mr Capitalist who has become quantity over quality has released yet another album that is excellently played but fairly uninteresting. What’s up here? BUCKETHEAD has released a few outstanding musical maestro hood productions but he keeps churning out one mediocrity after another. OK, i guess i’m here to point this out. Too much great music, past and present, to waste money on this. Hmmm, i wonder if he’ll ever release another album after this :P