siLLy puPPy
PIKE 319 - DREAMS REMEMBERED 17th installment of 2022 Everything played by BUCKETHEAD Total playing time 27 minutes and 54 seconds All instrumental as always!
And BUCKETHEAD is cranking out the eggs in 2019 and although nothing like the dozens of roosters hatched every week in 2015-ish, PIKE 319 - DREAMS REMEMBERED is the 17th PIKE to find its way into the consciousness of anyone willing to listen to this never-ending stream of chicken loving fun!
This PIKE features a single track of the same name and for a second PIKE in a row, BH throws us a lullaby album! Sleepy time fun for the whole family. Awwww. Anyone even remotely familiar with this chicken lover knows of what i speak. Only one in about a gazillion cookie cutter PIKEs, this one features a clean guitar, a bass and the lightest percussive sounds.
This is basically a recurring few note melody that takes the logical extremes of post-rock and minimizes them to infinity. If you’re in that slumber mode then this will rock you to sleep like nobody’s business. If you’re expecting something interesting to grasp onto think again.
Although it took several of these types of PIKEs for it to hit me, i have come to the realization that the PIKEs have become the musical equivalent to the film “Groundhog Day!” Yes!!! This PIKE represents not DREAMS RECURRING but on the contrary feels like NIGHTMARES REVISITED. Harsh i know but WTF?
Not much i can say about this utter waste of time other than i don’t totally hate it. I just have no desire to ever hear it again. Seriously everyone, anybody could play this music only having picked up the guitar for a day. The production is nice though. (Trying to stay positive here). Nah, not my thing.