siLLy puPPy
BUCKETHEAD - PIKE 80 - CUTOUT ANIMATRONIC 39th album out of 60 in 2014 and 109th overall All sounds brought to you by Buckethead and all instrumental This one has 5 tracks that clock in at 28:00
“Cut” (3:37) starts out with ominous distortion and then perks up to become a serious funkified bass with intermittent guitar parts. This is some serious bass abuse. BH is quite accomplished. The guitar is slightly off tune which adds an interesting tension. The drums do seem programmed however
“out” (7:46) starts out with an irregular bass line but slightly funkified with guitars that drop in and out but then stick around. They have a nice distortion effect and the drums pick up. It trades off with a funk bass and clapping drum sound. The louder and softer parts continue to trade off. Pretty cool
“An” (11:12) jumps into full gear with some freaky electronica and a guitar riff that changes it up soon after it starts. The bass is a little funky, the drums are relaxed and the electronica does strange little solo dances at times. Metal guitar chords trade off with funk bass and then it just keeps changing things up in a similar fashion. There are lots of cool variations that take place in this one. There are times it’s super fast and hurried and then slows down in a totally chilled out mode. This one is pretty cool as well and keeps it interesting for the long run
“ma” (2:22) begins with a funky bass strut and clapping percussive sounds. It remains nothing more than bass and percussion. Reminds me of the early 70s funk era
“tronic” (3:03) finishes the album by starting with a guitar riff and a funk bass line. The guitar starts distorted but then becomes a bit cleaner. The melody repeats a while and then it changes it up a little
This one is pretty cool. I like all the tracks although the last two are a little ordinary after the cool ideas presented before. The mix of funk bass with bizarre guitar effects and electronica mixed with odd song structures makes one interesting listening experience