"The Blood of Jesus" is an EP release by US, California based grindcore act Cancer Christ. The EP was independently released in October 2021. Cancer Christ formed in 2020 and initially consisted of the duo of Tommy Meehan (Snake Boss) and Anthony Mehlhaff (Saint Anthony). The duo almost immediately started working on demos and performing live with various guest performers. They always wear snake masks on stage.
Stylistically this is cybergrind which is obviously influenced by artists like Agoraphobic Nosebleed and Pig Destroyer. Samples, programmed drums, and aggressive raw hardcore shouting vocals are some of the elements of the band´s music. The EP only features 3 tracks and a total playing time of 4:28 minutes, but what "The Blood of Jesus" lacks in quantity it fully makes up for in quality. It´s well produced, well performed, and above all very well composed.
The lyrics are pretty extreme gravitating towards the dark/vile parts of life (as well as often being blasphemous) and it all works very well within the context of the band´s music. For guys wearing snake masks on stage, this EP sounds incredibly like serious business. Nothing silly about the music here. A 3.5 star (70%) rating is deserved.