As a first demo...this isn't tooooooooooo bad...but to be honest, its still not the best.
This demo is included with the Reek Of Putrefaction dual disc reissue...and its worth getting for the actual album, but you can easily skip fact...I'd reccomend it.
It's just not that nice to listen to, mainly for one thing...THE VOCALS!!! I mean it, they're just terrible, they just sound like burps. I can see why they needed a vocalsit, recording it one take and all...but to be honest, all of the are great death metal/grindocre vocalists...but they had to get someone called Sanjev or whatever is name is to do the vocals.
The songs are still their, but they really are nothing compared to the album versions.
1. Genital Grinder - To be honest...I prefer this to the album version.10/10
2. Regurgitation Of Giblets - Vocals can be muddy at times and the guitar sound is very static like. 7/10
3. Festerday - Quick and fast...just how I like my women ;) 10/10
4. Limb From Limb - Meh...too generic and it just sounds terrible 5/10
5. Rotten To The Gore - At times the song is just all over the place. The vocals are just terrible. 5/10
6. Excreted Alive - Nice and quick...and not too annoying. 8/10
7. Malignant Defecation - Nothing compared to the album version. Very poor. 4/10
8. Fermetning Innards - Just sounds like burping. Although I have to give credit to the instrumentalists. 6/10
9. Necro-Cannibal Bloodfeast - The vocals aren't too bad in this one, and I have to admit, their is some great riffs. 7/10
10. Psychopathologist - I like the guitar feedback, but the vocals are just terrible. 5/10
11. Die In Pain - This isn't even funny...its justs stupid...You Suffer is a billion times better and is the true revolutionary mark...this is just a dumb pardoy. 1/10
12. Pungent Excruciation - Really just sounds like something mentally ill. 4/10
13. Face Meltaargh - It's just terrible. 3/10
CONCLUSION: As a demo...meh...but its just not that good...some ok moments I agree, but the rest is just anal vomit really.