Children of Bodom have always been pushed around for being one of the more popular bands in the metal genre. What's to say? They're easy to digest, but maybe a lot of that criticism comes unwarranted. However, not on Blooddrunk, which is what happens when Bodom releases a churned out collection of washed up riffs and cheesy unnecessary synths.
This is one of the albums that are completely generic and are the type of album people point to when describing how awful the metal genre is. The riffs are pointless and develop nowhere. There are lots of keyboard parts that are mainly cheesy strings and MIDI orchestral hits that add nothing to the compositions themselves. And the vocals are especially horrendous, even for those who enjoy harsh growls and screams. It sounds like Alexi Laiho smoked twenty cigarettes, poured a bottle of phlegm down his throat and tried a weak attempt at doing death metal vocals.
All the tracks are poor quality straightforward metal. There's nothing really that would make this an enjoyable listen, save for perhaps the video game synth intro to "Tie My Rope" which all in all is pretty fun. But one cool song intro cannot save the trainwreck of this album.
In conclusion I can't really recommend this album to anyone. Children of Bodom fans will inevitably get it, but nobody else should really feel the need to. There are thousands of melodic death metal and extreme power metal albums that are more deserving a spot in a CD collection than this one.