Here we have Circle of Ouroborus' 'Shores' album. It's so rare and unheard of that is has to be great right? Right?! Wrong! This is a really bad black metal album.
I've heard in some places that this album has some post-punk influences added to the standard depressive black metal that they play. Except for the cover song, I really don't see it. I've listened to tall the songs here, and the main though I had on my mind concerning the music was "Didn't I already hear Mütiilation do this years ago with 'Vampires of Black Imperial Blood' or 'Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul'?" That's all the music really is: raw black metal with piss-poor production and a difficult to determine note scale. There's nothing really special going for it. Of course, this time around, instead of two French dudes, it's two Finnish dudes. Listen to "Nothingness" for a second and try to tell me that it didn't come from Mütiilation.
The vocals are a big difference from Mütiilation though, but it's one of the bigger reasons why this album is terrible. People for some reason like the apathetic vocal tone on this album; but it seriously sounds like the mix of a goat attempting to mimic human dialogue, and the ramblings of a very old Finnish lady from a small house out on the Finnish countryside. The vocals are what really slammed this album down the hardest. Hearing the singer recite certain lines, especially the refrains of the first two songs, made me want to hit myself in the head with a baseball bat seven or eight times. They were really unpleasant to listen to throughout, and I feel like this review's score would be much higher if the album was actually instrumental.
"Invocation" is probably the best song of the batch here just with the hints of harsh vocals and half-decent guitar lead, but it's not at all capable of damming up the flood of suck coming from this album.
If you're depressed, listen to depressive black metal sounds like a bad idea; because if it's shitty, like this album, it might actually make your condition worse. If you're not depressed, be wary of depressive black metal; because it it's shitty, like this album, you might start really hating life. Stay away from these shores.