Split · 2021
1. Needful Things– Shame On You (1:04)
2. Needful Things– Cyberchaos (0:57)
3. Needful Things– Victim (1:32)
4. Needful Things– Profile Of Destruction (1:01)
5. Needful Things– Cowardice And Abomination (1:26)
6. Needful Things– Manipulation (1:30)
7. Needful Things– Money Talks (1:15)
8. Needful Things– Zhe World Is A Laboratory (1:56)
9. Needful Things– False One Crap (0:57)
10. Controlled Existence– Dlane, Čo Škrtia (1:11)
11. Controlled Existence– Bezkrídli Vtáci (0:39)
12. Controlled Existence– Je Čas Žať (0:41)
13. Controlled Existence– Kruh Sa Uzavrel
14. Controlled Existence– Mrchavé Jazyky (0:19)
15. Controlled Existence– V Jesennej Sychravosti (0:40)
16. Controlled Existence– Pôda Horká (0:54)
17. Controlled Existence– Žily, Slzy, Šlachy (0:39)
18. Controlled Existence– Spálim Ťa Na Prach (0:13)
19. Controlled Existence– Aj Tak Vstanem Z Mrtvych (0:59)
20. Controlled Existence– Z Cudzieho Krv Netečie (0:09)
21. Controlled Existence– Zaživa Mrtva (0:38)
22. Controlled Existence– Žalár Najtemnejší (0:39)
23. Controlled Existence– Zapredaj Mi Dušu (0:44)
Total time 20:03
Zubár / Drums
Gifo / Guitar
Ľuba / Vocals
Méďa / Bass
About this release
Psychocontrol Records, 2021
Vinyl limited to 300 copies:
200 Black
100 Olive Green/Bronze With Black Splatter
Thanks to Vim Fuego for the addition