Time Signature
Act of metal-ution...
Genre: death metal
Cyanotic were part of what I call The 1990s Wave of Danish Death Metal, which was a movement in which the Danish underground metal scene exploded with death metal bands - and eventually imploded on itself again, because a lot of the bands sounded alike (some of the few bands to make it big time from this movement were Illdisposed and Konkhra).
Cyanotic sounded different.
Cyanotic were melodic.
And this was before the advent of Swedish melodic death metal. Cyanotics style emphasizes melody and were essentially a melodic death metal band without ever sounding like a melodeath band. They played a highly original melodic style of death metal which stood out from the rest of The 1990s Wave of Danish Death Metal. This demo tape documents their originalty - especially through the track "Eclipsed Existence".
"Eclipsed Existence" is one of the best death metal tracks I have ever heard. It is brutal and dark, but contains a lot of inherently melodic guitar riffs. And, what's more, it's also quite progressive, making use of tempo changes and unusual song structure, but without ever being overly technical. The other tracks are a bit more conventional death metal track, but both contain melodic and progressive elements. They are good tracks but they never reach the brilliancy of "Eclipsed Existence".
If you are a death metal afficionado and if you are interested in underground releases from the heyday of death metal (the early 1990s), then I'd recommend this demo tape. It's probably hard to come by, though, but the tracks are available on Cyanotic's MySpace page.