"Architects of Perversions" is an EP release by Swedish death metal act Deranged. The single was released through Repulse Records in September 1994. It´s the successor to the 1994 "Upon the Medical Slab" single and it´s the band´s fourth minor (non-album) release since forming in 1991.
The material on "Architects of Perversions" pretty much continues where "Upon the Medical Slab" left off. This is brutal death metal featuring gory lyrics and a combination of guttural unintelligible growling vocals and the occassional higher pitched snarling screaming. The pace varies from slow, mid-paced, fast, and blasting. The music also features some pretty basic leads, which aren´t that interesting, but I´m sure they are there to create some variation.
The sound production is decent, but unfortunately a sligth step down in quality from the sound production on the "Upon the Medical Slab" single, which is a really well produced release. Upon conclusion "Architects of Perversions" is another decent early release by Deranged, and it´s recommendable to fans of early 90s brutal death metal. It´s not particularly unique or offers something out of the ordinary to the listener, but it´s decent enough for what it is. A 3 star (60%) rating is warranted.