"...the Confessions Continues" is an EP release by Swedish death metal act Deranged. The EP was released through Obliteration Records in 1993. The title of the EP is a continuation of the title of the band´s 1992 demo "The Confessions of a Necrophile". "...the Confessions Continues" features three tracks from the demo in re-recorded versions (and with slightly different titles).
Deranged formed in 1991 with the intent to record and perform the most vile and brutal death metal they could, and they succeed pretty well on this release. For 1993 this is brutal no frills death metal with guttural unintelligble growling vocals and nasty gory lyrics. If you´re familiar with the "The Confessions of a Necrophile" demo, you´ll notice right away that these re-recorded versions are tighter and sligthly more well produced. So compared to the rather amaturish sounding demo, this the material is actually given a chance to shine on this EP. How much it shines is entirely up to the listener, but to my ears this is a decent early 90s brutal death metal release, featuring a sound production which is more or less a demo quality production, but is still relatively powerful and well sounding. What´s important here is that Deranged have developed since the 1992 demo, and that they have. A 2.5 - 3 star (55%) rating is warranted.