Considering I wasn’t overly impressed with Desaster’s preceding Hellfire Dominion (don’t get me wrong, it’s very good, but no masterpiece) I was blown away by Tyrants of the Netherworld. They turn the Black Metal influence down just a tad, and the Thrash way up.
As someone very partial to Thrash-hybrids that lean more towards Thrash, this was perfect for. We get some Blackened chords, evil atmosphere and of course the vocals, but the meat of this record is honest to Satan classic Thrash Metal. Both the riffs and drumming see a marked improvement from the previous releases. The guitar work is not only more precise and impressive, but way catchier, with some of the best riffs in the genre since Thrash died in the 90’s. Never ceasing to be evil, however, as the band walks a fine line between melodic and twisted chaotic leads. The drumming has more variety and a lot more energy without relying on generic blast beats for heavier sections. Even some of the solos here really impressed me, those actually leaning a bit more towards Black Metal as they worked in tandem with the song to create some dark and piercing evocations of the infernal chaos. The vocals don’t need much mention, but they are very good and satisfying blackened yells.
I will name one song that surprised me most – “Battle Oath.” It’s not my favorite song on the album, but definitely the most unique; it starts out as a more mid-tempo Blackened Heavy Metal song, but develops into a more Thrash-influenced Viking Metal territory, rife with atmosphere and fantastic, moody riffs. Didn’t expect that from the band!
Definitely a great start to the 2000’s for Thrash, and a foreshadowing of the rebirth of the genre after the shadow of the 90’s slowly dissipated.