Time Signature
Genre: deathcore / metalcore
Despite Exile is an Italian metalcore band who draw extensively on the more deathcore side of the metalcore continuum, and Re-Evolve is their second EP.
To be honest, there is very little deathcore that appeals to me, because, for some reason, I tend to find it monotonous and, well, boring. That being said, I decided long ago not to reject the genre as a whole, and I am glad I did because every now and then I come across a deathcore band that I do not dislike – there are not any, but there are some – and Despite Exile, at least on this EP, is one of those bands.
It does feature breakdown upon breakdown and hysterical over-the-top harsh vocals, which, along with the lack of guitar solos, constitute some of the biggest deathcore turnoffs for me. Okay, so with that out of the way, I do think that there are a number of positive elements that appeal to me on this EP. Firstly, I like the groove in a number of the breakdowns, and Despite Exile even use some kind of innovative breakdowns every now and then, so we do nto end up with three tracks that are dun-dun-duh-duuun-duck-a-dun-dun-duh-duuun all the way through. Moreover, and this is what I really appreciate about this album, Despite Exile insert little technical bursts every now and then as if to show that there is actually more to their capabilities than just deathcore grooves.
This is especially prevalent in the closing track 'Mechanical', which is the absolute highlight of the EP for my money. It is characterized by variation and features both melody and technicality coupled with metalcore breakdowns and grooves of the more innovative kind as well as more death metal oriented riffage.
This EP features all the virtues of metalcore and deathcore, so, although I am not a big fan of that stuff myself, I would still recommend it to metalcore afficionados, who – I am sure – will find this EP very enjoyable. I myself also find it enjoyable, but for other reasons. What I like is how Despite Exile seem to be slightly innovative in their deathcore, and, if a track like 'Mechanical' is any indicator of the band's future direction, then I think fans of progressive and technical extreme metal, especially djent fans, should keep an eye on this Italian metalcore band. Metalcore fans are definitely encouraged to purchase the EP from the band's bandcamp page.
(review originally posted at seaoftranquility.org)