"Disgusting" is an eponymously titled EP by Norwegian death metal act Disgusting. The EP was released through Head Not Found in 1996. It´s the follow-up release to Disgusting´s debut full-length studio album "Shapeshifterbirthblues" (1995) and their final release before disbanding in 1997. The EP features 5 tracks and a total playing time of 21:00 minutes.
Stylistically Disgusting continue to play the raw and aggressive old school death metal style which they have also played on the previous releases. They made a few adjustments and developed some of their musical elements a bit. There is for example a bit more focus on groove on this EP than previously, but Disgusting still produce raw, filthy, and morbid sounding death metal with snarling aggressive vocals in front complimented by the occasionally deeper growling vocal part.
The EP features a well sounding production. The snare drum features a sharp punchy tone, but it goes well with the rest of the instruments and the vocals. Disgusting as usual throw in a few curve balls, and after the opening track "Immemorial" (which is a re-recording of the opening track on the band´s 1992 "The Lament Configuration" demo), they follow it up with "Undivided Impulses", which is a predominantly instrumental track (at least until 3 minutes in, when the song explodes in intensity and snarling aggressive vocals are added). I dare say that track borders progressive territories. And that is the overall feeling I get when listening to this EP. It´s inherently old school death metal at it´s core, but on top of that Disgusting add a lot of experimental/semi-progressive songwriting ideas, which make this release quite intriguing. It´s never at the expense of energy and brutality though, because the material on this EP is certainly both raw, aggressive, and brutal. A 3.5 star (70%) rating is deserved.