Time Signature
Immortal multitude...
Genre: progressive metal
Norway is primarily associated with black metal, but, over the last ten to fifteen years, a pretty interesting progressive metal scene has been established there as well. One of the veterans of this scene is Divided Multitude.
The album "Divided Multitude 2015" was released in - duh - 2015 and is the follow-up to the successful "Feed on your Misery" from 2013. "Divided Multitude 2015" like the predecessor represents the heavier end of progressive metal and actually starts out with a progressive thrash metal tune in the form of "Immortal", which is pretty cool. The rest of the songs are less aggressive, but still considerably heavy and nicely complex in structure without being overly inaccessible. There is a generally epic albeit dark feel to the album, which generally works quite well.
Fans of progressive metal should definitely check this one out.