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Never too late...
Genre: hard rock
Veterans on the Greek rock scene, Sotiris Lagonikas and Chris Kissadjekian present to you their newest project Double Treat, a hard rock band drawing on proto-metal and groovy 70s hard rock. Their debut album "Wander Lust" was released yesterday on Sleaszy Rider Records and contains tons of goodies for hard rock old timer.
The opening track 'Never Too Late' is a slow and soulful hard rocker with quite a bluesy touch, and, while mellower than most other tracks on the album, its heaviness and groove are nonetheless signs of things to come, with 'Even the Score Tonight' and 'They're Huntin' Me' being lessons in hard rock heaviness. More inspired by Heaven & Hell, 'Guardian Hesperous' is a regular doom metal track. Lagonikas also dabbles in progressive rock, and this shines through in 'Till the End' which combines hard rock grooves with odd time signatures. Another heavy groovefest is 'Who Says?' which has a slight 70s hard rock feel to it, which also applies to the slightly Sabbath-influenced 'I'll Take Your Life', and there is a heavy metallic cover version of 'Knockin' on Heaven's Door', which is enjoyable, to be sure.
Heavy and groovy, and rich in proto-metal attitude, Double Treat's "Wander Lust" has a lot of appeal to fans of crushingly heavy hard rock, and I think that hard rock old timers will really enjoy the heavy twang of the rhythm guitar.