Time Signature
Destroy me...
Genre: Francecore
Eths is one of those bands who, while the metalcore elements are quite obvious, are not easy to classify genre-wise, because there is so much more than just the duh-duh-d-d-dun-duuun breakdowns to their music.
The tracks on this album, which was re-released earlier this year, evolve around slightly off riffs, a number of which are even rhythmically challenging in a djent kinda way without being djent, and there is the occasional straight-up metalcore breakdown every now and then, too, and groove seems to be the keyword the defines the entire album. However, rather than just sticking to metalcore aesthetics, Eths - and this is their trademark really - draw on alternative metal, and many of the songs have the introvert melancholy that characterized much alternative rock and alternative metal in the 90s.
The vocals primarily consists of very harsh growls from Candice combined with clean vocals and what is perhaps best described as erotic whispers. Between this at times hysterical vocal approach and the emphasis on riffage, "Sôma" can be a bit tedious to listen to in the long run, but, individually, the songs on the album are generally quite good.
"Sôma" is definitely among the more original metalcore-oriented releases out there, and, although not as good as "III", it is still recommendable if you liked Eths' latest effort.