The Angry Scotsman
I am not sure who found the band Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum, a technical death metal band from Belarus with just one promo out, but whoever did and however they did, we have to thank them for one of the craziest, and greatest, metal band names ever!
I can't lie, the name drew my interest, (also I personally never knew of any metal bands from Belarus)but I have to say, the music itself isn't too bad at all.
Their promo can be found on youtube, which consists of two short technical death metal songs. The music is pretty standard techdeath: technical or thrashy riffs that live in the low register, with random bursts all over the place, lots of technical, blast beat based drumming replete with fills, tremolo picking, explosions of technical prowess, stop and change moments, very guttural vocals and some pretty impressive bass playing.
Now, techdeath, (and death metal in general) is not really my cup of tea, though while this promo isn't really for me, if you're a fan of technical or brutal death metal, I'd check this out. The quality of the album is quite good, and there are some moments that really do rock, especially in the second song. So yeah, if you are a fan of the techdeath I'd say give this a try, it should be enjoyable to fans of the genre!
We shall await the band's debut album, if not for it's even more maddening title, because it may be a pretty solid album! Not my type of music, but it's well recorded, some impressive musicianship is displayed and it's a solid piece of technical death metal.