Time Signature
Get ready to get galvanized...
Genre: Death metal
Saddle up because you're in for a ride on the death metal carousel from hell!
After a dark introduction in the form of 'The Sanguine Legacy', the first song proper kicks in, and - oh boy - the listener is immediately treated to death metal mayhem as the song morphs through several different riffs and tempos before the vocals even begin. This emphasis on variation and riffage galore characterizes the entire album which means that things never get boring. The Finnish trio is particularly good at coming up with riffage that combines death metal brutality and punky catchiness. The guitar sound is similar to 90s Carcass while, musically, there is a considerable element of Suffocation inspiration. You can't go wrong with that. There are even bursts of more rock and heavy metal inspired stuff as heard towards the end of 'The Inexorable' and in 'Chthonic Profanation'; not surprisingly, this also works very well.
As already hinted at, the production is rich and brutal and the songwriting is top notch with a nice emphasis on variation. Not surprisingly, we are also dealing with super solid musicianship across the board.
This is a great death metal release. If you like death metal, don't ignore this release. Seriously!