Helstar-This Wicked Nest
For me, Helstar is one of the most underrated metal bands I can think of. Ever since they re-grouped and released 'The King of Hell', I have found their recent releases flawless and this is no exception.
On 'This Wicked Nest, Helstar brings us their normal Thrash/Power metal style. The opening track, 'Fall of Dominion', is one of the strongest album openers I've ever heard. Rivera's cold vocals at the beginning combined with the pounding drums and kick-ass riffs are crafted beautifully. Michael Lewis brings us so much double-bass it's hard to even keep track. The lyrics are great, and Rivera's vocal performance is outstanding. His shifts from low to high-pitched screams are perfect on the entire album.
Other standout tracks are songs like 'Cursed', with it's progressing melody. 'Souls Cry' is probably my favorite next to the opening track, Rivera's ominous vocal work during the chorus flows just right and compliments the guitar and drums very well. On 'Defy the Swarm', Rivera's vocals are very strong and the drums and guitar are great. The instrumental 'Isla de las Muñecas' is Helstar's first instrumental since 'Perseverance and Desperation' from 'Nosferatu', and they sure haven't lost their touch with that.
The lyrics are among Helstar's best in my opinion. They are bringing in more political lyrics and it fits with Helstar's music. 'Fall of Dominion' is obviously one of the most politically charged songs, the lyrics are about government oppression and it is certainly true for today. The title track and 'Defy the Swarm' are other political based songs. There are their normal dark lyrics as well though, in songs like 'Eternal Black' and 'Cursed'.
The production is what you would expect, it's a very loud production which is perfect for some nice headbanger thrash metal.
Overall, If you're looking for some new kick-ass thrash metal, look no further. Helstar's got you covered.
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