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One step ahead...
Genre: thrash metal
Formed in 1980, Holy Moses is possibly the oldest thrash metal band around... I mean, it's older than thrash metal itself. Thus, one might expect the band to pursue a more retro thrash metal style on their latest album "Redefined Mayhem".
That is not the case, as the German band embrace a fierce style of modern thrash metal, which is primarily uptempo and aggressive. While capturing energy of classic thrash metal, Holy Moses lean slightly towards a quasi-technical approach at times, not unlike what you might hear from the hands of Dark Angel. The tone is pretty much set with the opening track 'Hellhound', so, if you like that one, you are going to like the entire album.
Virtually all tracks on the album are strong, which reflects professional songwriting skills and musicianship, which is of course also reflected in the solid performance on the album. The band's central member, Sabine Classen, is definitely a thrash metal veteran, whose harsh vocals rival those of any of her male peers. Her vocals and the music itself are backed by a tight and modern production, which suits the compositions and performance very well.
Holy Moses' "Redefined Mayhem" is a solid slab of aggressive modern thrash metal, and fans of the genre will definitely miss out on something if they don't give it a listen.