Split · 1999
1. Maniac Butcher - Metal from Hell (21:33)
2. Sezarbil - Varování (04:22)
3. Sezarbil - Temný sen (05:26)
4. Sezarbil - Příprava k boji (04:40)
5. Sezarbil - Zničení církve svaté (05:00)
6. Sezarbil - Immortality (02:36)
7. Inferno - Intro: V prach a popel vše obráceno jest (01:09)
8. Inferno - Krev (03:07)
9. Inferno - Krajina zasvěcená ďáblu (04:31)
10. Inferno - Vládce hor (03:59)
11. Inferno - Chrám nenávisti (03:33)
12. Inferno - Outro: Dovršení křesťanské zkázy (01:52)
Total Time 61:48
Maniac Butcher
- Barbarud Hrom / vocals
- Vlad Blasphemer / saw
- Honza Kapák / drums
- Raven / vocals
- Antichrist /drums
- Charon / bass
- Lord Sezarbil / guitars, vocals
- Adramelech / vocals
- Lord Megosh / bass
- Astaroth / guitars
- Belphegor / drums
- Azazel /guitars, bass
About this release
Maniac Butcher / Sezarbil / Inferno split.
CD released on Pussy God Records.
Thanks to Bosh66 for the addition