"Insomnia" is the eponymously titled first demo recording by Finnish thrash metal act Insomnia. The demo was released through Bad Vugum in 1990. Insomnia formed in 1987 under the Mengele monicker, but after releasing two demos and one EP under the Mengele monicker the band opted to change their name to Insomnia, to escape accusations that they had nazi sympathies. Insomnia released this eponymously titled demo and then folded. In 2002 the band reunited under the Wengele monicker.
Stylistically Insomnia carry on playing the aggressive thrash metal style, which they also performed under the Mengele monicker, but they have matured and are now trying to incorporate a few new musical ideas, but it´s not really working for them. They are arguably best when they play intensely aggressive, highly energetic, and furiously fast-paced thrash metal, which they certainly also do most of the time on this demo. But when they don´t they quickly loose steam, and while "Insomnia" features a more clear and detailed sound production than any of the Mengele releases, it lacks the fierceness and relentless brutality of those releases.
It´s still a good quality thrash metal demo from Insomnia, but I´d listen to the preceding Mengele releases any day before listening to this one. A 3 star (60%) rating is warranted.