Time Signature
King in a world of metal...
Genre: tech/prog groove thrash metal
The first track I heard from this album was "Hole", which the band performed at a concert back in the day while still promoting "Weave the Apocalypse" (Invocator warmed up for Paradise Lost in Odense back in the 1990s, and we ended walking out on Paradise Lost, because they just seemed so uninspired adn boring compared to Invocator; now I'm of course a big fan of Paradise lost, too, but I still think that having a super proficient and energetic technical thrash metal band warm up for a gothic doom metal band is not the best combination in the world).
"Dying to Live" is an example of how well you can make it work if you - provided that you're Jaboc Hansen of course ;-) - blend the groovy brutality of Pantera with the technicality of Dream Theater, Fates Warning and Psychotic Waltz. The musical style on this album is quite unique without trying to hide its influences. Gone are the extreme thrash metal features that characterized "Excursion Demise" apart from tritonal patterns here and there, but the brutality remains. The music is simultaneously groovy and complex and, to be sure, cannot be replicated by anyone else.
"Dying to Live" is recommendable to any metal fan, and one of the best releases within the era of early modern metal - displaying both finesse and groove.