Time Signature
Metal cleanses all...
Genre: tech/prog thrash metal
More or less Jacob Hansen's project, Invocator continues along the lines established on "Weave the Apocalypse" and further developed on "Dying to Live".
This album is slightly more thrashy than its predecessor and, with the departure, of Per M. Jensen, the drumming has become less progressive (not that there's anything wrong with the drumming on this album, it's just a different style) but still impressive (there are some awe-inspiring polyrhythmic bits here and there).
As on "Dying to Live", this album maintains an interesting equilibrium between the groovy metal, thrash metal and progressive metal. While quite original, one might argue that musically "Through the Flesh to the Soul" is slightly reminiscent of Chuck Schuldiner's progressive death metal albums (with Death).
Recommended to fans of melodic and technical thrash metal.