"Joe Satriani" is an eponymously titled EP by US rock artist Joe Satriani. It´s an independently released affair and it´s the first official release from Satriani. The material featured on the EP was solely recorded by Satriani using only his guitar. So rhythm sounds are also created using the guitar. It´s a fully instrumental release featuring no vocals. At the time of recording the material the 28-year old Satriani was working as a guitar teacher and played in a band called The Squares. The EP received some positive reviews which led to Satriani pursuing a music career (beyond teaching guitar).
Stylistically the five tracks on the 16:41 minutes long EP are instrumental guitar rock. Some songs are more energetic and hard rocking (like EP opener "Talk to Me"), while others are a little more experimental ("Banana Mango" and "I Am Become Death") and a track like EP closer "Saying Goodbye" is a beautiful instrumental guitar ballad. It´s obvious that Satriani is an incredibly skilled guitarist, but he also has a great understanding of composition and how to write memorable melodies.
The recording is of course a little primitive and most listeners would probably perceive it as a lo-fi recording, but to my ears it sounds decent enough, although it´s of course not a professional sound recording. It´s definitely a promising (but not perfect) start to a music career, which would subsequently be very successful. A 2.5 - 3 star (55%) rating is warranted.