Time Signature
The artist, the sage, and the progster...
Genre: progressive metal
JT Bruce's debut album, "Anomalous Material" is actually quite good. It is a collection of well composed progressive metal instrumentals. What I like about the music on this album is that, while it is progressive metal, it is not overly technical or extremely technical, but rather it is quite accessible, and JT Bruce primarily makes use of 4/4 meters and and pentatonic scales, blues scales, and minor scales. Thus his compositions are quite accessible, even those who do not get prog rock or prog metal. Still, we are dealing with progressive metal here. The song structures are not straightforward but they are dynamic, and the overall approach is basically arty.
I would say that the music on this album has the same degree of progressiveness as Fates Warning's music had in the mid-to-late nineties. Very good stuff indeed.
Recommended to fans of progressive metal and instrumental metal/rock.