Time Signature
The void and the silence...
Genre: black metal
The second release from the mysterious duo known only as Kolp, "The Outside" offers black metal that latches on to various stages of development of the genre.
Thus, while the anchor-style of the album is more traditional second-wave black metal, the listener is treated to both heavy, almost sludgy, passages as well as minimalistic parts not unlike, but not copying, the likes of Darkthrone. There are even some first wave-ish elements in some of the tracks. Kolp are pretty successful at evoking a sense of depression and desperation, but there is always an edge of aggression throughout the album.
The production is pretty unpolished, and the vocals sound like a TIE-fighter coming in for another attack. The minimalistic production suits the minimalist, yet expressive, music quite well, although it might strike some listeners as being a bit tinny.
Fans of heavier black metal, who do not mind a slightly tinny production, are likely to enjoy this album.