Time Signature
Genre: troll folk polka metal
Whether or not this release works relly depends on the intentions behind it. If it is meant to be taken seriously, then it fails miserably. But if it is meant to give people a good time and be generally uplifting, then they've succeeded brilliantly. Korpiklaani are both corny and silly, I think, but in this case, it has a positive effect.
The combination of traditional folk musik instruments, like pipes, fiddles, flutes, accordeons and the jouhikko fit the power metal-ish rock music quite well, and the D-beat drums suit the polka-drive of Korpiplaani very well. The ban also draw on old fashioned 80s metal - and there's even a cover version of "Iron Fist".
I don't understand a word of Finnish, but I think that their lyrics are mostly humorous, which supports the lightheartedness hypothesis. Certainly, the combination of sheeps braying and shotguns firing in the beginning of "Päät Pois Tai Hirteen" seem to indicate a generally humorous approach.
I can imagine that this album is great music to listen to if you and your friends are having a drinking party, and if your winter depression hasn't retreated yet, I am sure that this album with inject a dose of good mood into your veins.