Split · 1980
1 The Handsome Beasts - All Riot Now (4:22)
2 The Handsome Beasts - The Mark of the Beast (3:44)
3 The Handsome Beasts - Breaker (2:26)
4 The Handsome Beasts - Crazy (3:27)
5 The Handsome Beasts - One in a Crowd (3:32)
6 Buffalo - Battle Torn Heroes (3:340
7 Buffalo - Women of the Night (4:35)
8 Dragster - Ambitions (4:07)
9 Dragster - Won't Bring You Back (4:15)
10 Last Flight - Dance to the Music (4:21)
11 Last Flight - I'm Ready (2:38
12 Split Beaver - Savage (3:08)
13 Split Beaver - Hound of Hell (3:57)
14 Satanic Rites - Live to Ride (4:28)
15 Satanic Rites - Hit and Run (3:31)
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Thanks to Certif1ed for the addition