"Fastest Trip to Cybertown" is the third full-length studio album by Austrian progressive rock/metal act Mayfair. The album was released through the King Pest label in 1998. As "Fastest Trip to Cybertown" is the only release registered as being released through King Pest, I suspect that it´s the band´s own label. "Fastest Trip to Cybertown" is the successor to "Die Flucht" from 1995 and it was the last album released during Mayfair´s original run from 1989 to 2000, when they disbanded the first time.
Although Mario Prünster´s Geddy Lee (Rush) sounding voice and delivery immediately gives away that "Fastest Trip to Cybertown" is a Mayfair release, all metal elements (which were already sparse) from the two predecing album releases have been stripped from the band´s sound, and "Fastest Trip to Cybertown" is instead a sort of experimental/semi-progressive rock album with strong alternative/indie rock leanings. It´s generally pretty odd sounding music and the emphasis is on groove, atmosphere, and weird/abstract songwriting ideas.
"Fastest Trip to Cybertown" is almost as thin sounding as the last two releases, and it would be a lie if i told you that it´s a particularly well produced release. But that´s nothing new when it comes to Mayfair. Upon conclusion "Fastest Trip to Cybertown" is an odd sounding rock album, and I´m not sure who would be the audience for this type of music. It´s occasionally interesting, but never really a great listening experience and a 2.5 star (50%) rating is warranted.