This review is only for Part 2 of Metallica's 'Until It Sleeps'.
'Until It Sleeps' is one of the best songs from the 'Load' album, but this disc is pointless. The main track itself is good, and justifies being released as a single. The 'Kill/Ride Medley' is a nice treat, though nothing to shout about, and the sound is pretty rubbish.
But the 'Herman Melville Mix'... why does this even exist? What made Metallica decide that this would be something they'd include on a single? I don't mind a dance remix of a rock song, but this makes me want to lobotomize myself. Imagine a generic techno track with random snippets of James Hetfield circa '95 saying "tear me open" and "until it sleeps"... horrifying!!!
If you're an absolute collector of all things 'Tallica, then I suppose you'll want this in your collection regardless (and you are indeed a hardcore fan if you're willing to go this far). Otherwise avoid this like the plague, and just buy the 'Load' album and save yourself the misery.
Sadly, I'm a collector. So I'm stuck with this. Thanks Herman Melville...