"The Anus of the World" is the debut full-length studio album by US, California based death metal act Mortal Wound. The album was released through Me Saco Un Ojo Records in May 2024. Mortal Would formed in 2018 and released the "Forms of Unreasoning Fear" demo the same year. They released a split with Australian death metal act Gutless in 2020.
Despite the somewhat humorous/silly album title, Mortal Wound aren´t a comedy death metal act, although they certainly integrate some humour in their songtitles and lyrics, which songtitles like "Royally Fucked Forever" and "Even the Jungle Wanted Him Dead" are proof of (the many shorter interlude tracks/samples featured on the album are also quite humorous and nice breathers between the more regular death metal tracks). The actual music is old school death metal but with a more contemporary production job. Not completely unlike a contemporary artist like 200 Stab Wounds. The vocals are relatively unintelligible deep growling placed at the forefront of the mix. They sound a bit like 90s Chris Barnes (Cannibal Corpse, Six Feet Under).
"The Anus of the World" is a well produced death metal release, and Mortal Wound are a well playing band too. Paired with the effective, relatively varied (tempo changes, brutal grooves, and morbid leads), and solid songwriting, "The Anus of the World" is upon conclusion a good quality debut album from Mortal Wound, and they are definitely an act worth following. A 3.5 star (70%) rating is deserved.