"Necrophagia" is an eponymously titled EP release by US, Montebello, California based thrash/speed metal act Necrophagia. The EP was released through Wild Rags Records on 12" vinyl in November 1987. Necrophagia were formed in 1984 and released the "It Began with a Twisted Dream" in April 1987, but the "Necrophagia" EP was their only label release before they changed their name to Nekroholocaust.
The music on the 5 track, 13:41 minutes long EP is raw thrash with an occasional speed metal edge. The opening track "Wreckage" is a short intro, but the following four tracks are more or less in the same thrash/speed metal style. Necrophagia aren´t and weren´t the most distinct sounding act on that part of the metal scene, but they are fairly well playing and the music features the right aggressive attitude and authenticity. Songtitles like "Tear Off Your Face" and "Feel My Knife" also help on their thrash/speed metal credibility. The sound production is raw and relatively powerful, which suits the music well.
Upon conclusion the "Necrophagia" EP is a decent release by Necrophagia, but it´s also quite generic and it´s obvious why they weren´t among the few artists who made it through the wormhole and made it (underground) big. A 3 star (60%) rating is warranted.