Time Signature
Genre: death thrash
Originally released December 25 in 2004, "Christmassacre" was reissued as Hell's Headbangers' present to all who hate Christmas on December 25 in 2012. And what better way to celebrate a Christian holiday than reissuing an EP by one of the most Christian-hating bands in the world?
Thus, the listener is treated to four aptly titled death-thrash tunes (I can't decide whether 'Deathlehem' or 'Unclaimed Cadaver' is my favorite title). Stylistically, the music falls under the rubric of Nunslaughter's typical brand of death-thrash, consisting of simple, but energetic riffs packed into explosive and relatively short songs. 'Jewrusalem' even features some elements that harken back to the bands death-grind roots.
The release is extremely entertaining, and does feature some pretty cool guitar riffage, and serves as the perfect soundtrack to give vent to your Christmas stress. Recommended to all Christmas-haters - anti-Christian or otherwise.