"Parasite" is an eponymously titled EP release by Swedish heavy metal act Parasite. The EP was released through the Hellrec Records label in 1984. The EP has been reissued many times since. Roadrunner Records for example picked it up for a European reissue release in 1985. Parasite formed in 1981 and released two demos in 1983 before being signed for the release of this EP. It´s the only label release by Parasite as they would disband in 1985 without further releases under their belts. Drummer Johan Billerhaug would subsequently perform with both Hexenhaus and Memento Mori.
The EP features five tracks and a total playing time of 18:34 minutes. The music style is heavy metal with both melodic moments and a rare nod towards speed metal. It´s pretty effective and energetic material and lead vocalist/bassist Paul Zanichelli has a pretty strong voice and a convincing delivery. The two guitarists often play harmony parts and the band are generally well playing. The material is relatively standard for the style. Parasite don´t carve their own style with this release, but they do what they do with the right attitudes, skills, and songwriting craft. The EP also features a decent (for the time) sound production and a 3 star (60%) rating isn´t all wrong.