QUEENSRŸCHE — Dedicated To Chaos

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QUEENSRŸCHE - Dedicated To Chaos cover
1.89 | 34 ratings | 6 reviews
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Album · 2011

Filed under Hard Rock


1. Get Started (3:32)
2. Hot Spot Junkie (3:57)
3. Got It Bad (3:45)
4. Around The World (4:00)
5. Higher (3:45)
6. Retail Therapy (5:08)
7. At The Edge (4:53)
8. Broken (6:03)
9. Hard Times (3:48)
10. Drive (4:13)
11. I Believe (4:18)
12. Luvnu (6:35)

Total Time 53:57


- Eddie Jackson / Bass
- Scott Rockenfield / Drums
- Michael Wilton / Guitars
- Geoff Tate / Vocals

About this release

Release date: June 21, 2011
Label: Roadrunner Records

Special Edition bonus tracks:

13. Wot We Do (3:46)
14. I Take You (3:49)
15. The Lie (4:18)
16. Big Noize (6:35)

Thanks to UMUR for the addition and colt, Time Signature, Lynx33, diamondblack, Unitron for the updates



Specialists/collaborators reviews

"Dedicated to Chaos" is the 12th full-length studio album by US hard/rock metal act Queensrÿche. The album was released in June 2011 by Roadrunner Records.

The music on "Dedicated to Chaos" is hard rock/metal with an at times accessible commercial feel. The album is yet another example of the fact that you never really know what you´re gonna get when a new Queensrÿche album is released. The band have since the early nineties been swinging back and forth between releasing semi-progressive metal albums and more easily accessible hard rock/ metal ditto. To the great despair of some fans but also to the great joy of others. Queensrÿche were never known to please. They are rather known for making exactly the albums they want to, when they want to. "Dedicated to Chaos" is no different and it belongs in the more commercial camp. So hardcore progressive metal fans, read it and weep!

The tracks are generally simple vers/chorus structured with memorable choruses that probably won´t offend anyone. Hard rocking riffs, a pounding rocking rythm section and Geoff Tate´s unique vocals on top. At times the band take the music in an almost funky glam rock/metal-like direction. "Got It Bad" is the best example of this. The band are definitely trying out new things on "Dedicated to Chaos" and while some work better than others I respect what Queensrÿche are trying to achive. "Dedicated to Chaos" is most likely a water divider but I´m actually mostly positive about the more commercial musical direction. Since the release of "Promised Land" back in 1994, Queensrÿche have released quite a few grey and mediocre releases that haven´t impressed me much. "Dedicated to Chaos" won´t change my general opinion that the best years of the band´s life are behind them, but as a nice and easily accessible hard rock/metal album featuring a positive vibe, a professional production, excellent musicianship and pretty decent songwriting, "Dedicated to Chaos" ain´t too bad. A 3 - 3.5 star (65%) rating is warranted.
Time Signature
Got it bad...

Genre: alternative rock/metal

This album has received a lot of really negative criticism from fans of the band, ranging from scathingly hateful reviews to reviews expressing disappointment and sadness that the once so mighty progressive metal band that was Queensrÿche has withered into a second-rate alternative rock band.

To be honest, I don't think that "Dedicated to Chaos" is that bad.

I mean, I certainly don't like it as much as I like "Operation: Mindcrime I & II", "The Warning", "The Promised Land" or even "American Soldier". There are non-metal alternative rock tracks on the album which lack the power and punch of the Queensrÿche albums of the golden age, such as 'Got it Bad', 'Around the World', and 'Big Noize', none of which I am a fan of which sound more like something U2 could have written (I have nothing against U2 by the way). But I think that hardrocking tracks like 'Get Started', 'Hot Spot Junkie', 'Drive', 'At the Edge', 'I Take You', and 'Retail Therapy' are decent tracks which I do not mind listening to.

Now, the style is more in the vein of alternative rock and grunge rock than metal as such, and I do not consider this a progressive album at all. I prefer the Queensrÿche albums of the 80s and early 90s, but I actually enjoy "Dedicated to Chaos" more than "Hear in the Now Frontier".

For a progressive metal album, this is unimpressive. For a metal album, it is perhaps impotent. For a rock album, it is not bad.
Queensrÿche's last effort, American Soldier, was one that, despite all of the negative hype surrounding it, I actually enjoyed quite a bit. Although nowhere near the heights of Operation: Mindcrime or Empire, I thought it was a generally high-quality concept album with a few excellent songs that were on par with the band's classic material. Dedicated to Chaos has been met with even more negative attention than 2009's American Soldier, and (unfortunately) I agree with it this time around. This is an extremely weak effort that is far too uninspired and generic to impress even the most die-hard Queensrÿche fan - really a shame after the massive step forward that was American Soldier. Dedicated to Chaos is a very low point in Queensrÿche's discography, and I can only hope that they recover from this artistic disaster next time around. Unless generic metal riffs, straightforward song structures, and uninspired lyrics are your preferred poison, I'd have a tough time recommending this to even the most hardcore Queensrÿche fans.

The music on Dedicated to Chaos is similar to Queensrÿche's sound on their previous few albums. Expect grunge-tinged alternative metal with very few influences from progressive metal and traditional heavy metal - this truly sounds nothing like the band that made Operation: Mindcrime, and those who are expecting a traditional/prog metal album should look elsewhere. Although I'm certainly open to the band's ever-evolving sound and change in direction, I can't help but feel that they've lost a bit of their inspiration along the way. The vast majority of Dedicated to Chaos consists of generic riffs and surprisingly uninspired vocal performances from Geoff Tate - a bit shocking when considering what a powerful and emotional vocalist he can be. There really are only a few songs on this album that are decent ("Around the World", "Hard Times", and "Big Noize" come to mind), and even they aren't great or anything. Dedicated to Chaos also sports some of the band's most horrendous lyrics to date - just take one listen to "Hot Spot Junkie" and you'll catch my drift. How could this be the same band that previously wrote genius concept albums with stories that compete with the best ever written?

One annoying feature about Dedicated to Chaos is the horrible-sounding production. The mix sounds just terrible to these ears, with everything (particularly the drums and bass) mixed so loud to the point that it lacks emotion. Guitar parts are nearly inaudible at times, and the vocals are mixed too high as well. Giving already generic music an uninspired and generic production is not a plus in my book.

Dedicated to Chaos is not a successful album from almost every aspect. The uninspired arrangements, weak lyrics, terrible production, and simplistic compositions make this possibly the worst Queensrÿche effort to date. It will take a real boost of inspiration to recover from this disaster. I hate to do this to one of my once-favorite bands, but the most I can give out here is 1.5 stars. If not for the few decent tracks, you could easily subtract that extra half-star. Dedicated to Chaos is only for the most die-hard of Queensrÿche fans, and I have a feeling that even they will be disappointed. Along with Morbid Angel's recent disaster, this can currently be considered the biggest let-down of 2011. Sorry guys - I really wanted to like this album. Maybe next time.

Members reviews

The album title resumes in a quite perfect way the musical, lyrical and overall direction of Queensrÿche anno Domini 2011: "Dedicated To Chaos".

Let's say that Queensrÿche have surpassed their zenith of creativity since almost twenty years and desperately tried to get a connection to their roots with the disappointing "Operation: Mindrime II" and the weird conceptual record "American Soldier" which had a lot of lights and shades. As the last records still had some glimpses of what I have loved about Queensrÿche and as there were still some signs of hope and elements for a better future within those records, I defended those albums and was faithful to the band. But even for an open minded and patient fan of progressive music, the new record "Dedicated To Chaos" seems to go too far in the beginning. But as I already expected to listen to the worst album of the year which I thought I had already heard with the last HammerFall record I got a big surprise after a while just like on the last record.

This album kicks off so bad that I don't know where to start. The last album had a guiding line while the first songs of this album don't fit together at all. The sound of this album is more commercial and weak than ever. Queensrÿche seem to want to sound like a mixture of U2 and Three Doors Down but they don't even get near at their level. Even the last Puddle Of Mudd record seems to be masterpiece of rock music compared to the beginning of this release of Queensrÿche with songs like the faceless opener "Get Started". The ancient metal and progressive rock musicians have lost their feeling for haunting melodies, progressive structures, catchy hooks, gripping lyrics and emotional passages in here. A few plastic keyboards and artificial folk, jazz or symphonic sounds can't take the place of the melodic guitar solos, pumping bass lines and intense vocals that have made this band famous. The band really "Got It Bad" at many points in weird funk-folk-pop tracks with crappy radio sounds and has the same problems over and over again all "Around The World". "Higher" sounds like a mediocre plastic jazz track for a Phil Collins record with some modern metal influences. I mean that just the description of this is completely weird and they completely lose me there. It's though still better like commercial attempts in the style of one dimensional modern metal tracks like "I Take You" and "Hot Spot Junkie" that the band offers us on the album.

But once again the band got me by surprise after five truly horrible tracks. They suddenly pull out "At The Edge" which is a rather calm, experimental and progressive song that reminds of the old days but is too hectic, weird and incoherent to entirely convince and strangely fits to the previous songs that had no focus either. But for the first time, there is a song on here that is surely intriguing and courageous but after so many boring pop songs I honestly ask myself what those guys smoked to write a strange track like this. The other epic track with the strange title "Big Noize" that fits more to a hip hop record misses even more focus and goes straight nowhere in over six minutes. I don't know if that's something good or band in comparison to the first commercial songs. Sometimes, the band is very strange on this record and hard to follow. "I Believe" has strange tribal drum loops, artificial oriental string sounds and vocal effects and sounds like a sound collage of a junkie. Those are the same ingredients as in "Got It Bad" for example but this time the mixture is so experimental and lacks of focus that the radio pop fans might quickly feel frightened while the traditional fan just shakes his head and is taken by a surprise which could be as well positive as negative. The slow and somewhat weird "Luvn'U" or "The Lie" could be tracks written by Jane's Addiction or the Red Hot Chili Peppers in their weirdest eras and they need a lot of time to grow on me and sound simply like a mixture of weird and incoherent structures with experimental flows while having a commercial attempt at the same time. Even though those songs are hard to digest, I have never heard anything as strange as this and at least the band still surprises and is able to innovate in times like these.

But next to many too commercial or simply too weird and ambitious songs, there are also some true pearls that can be found on this record and that might be easier to be appreciated by the classic fans. The slow and haunting jazz ballad "Broken" and the very progressive "Hard Times" hit into a calm and progressive same vein with dreamy lounge atmospheres, strange keyboard sounds and in the latter pumping bass lines. Those two songs happen to be probably the best tracks on the record. They have more focus than the other rather progressive songs and still add some new styles and elements to the band's sound after so many years without sounding too modern, trendy and one dimensional. The songs don't have anything to do with metal music but are great experiments and experiences for the band and their fans. "Drive" has pumping drum loops and a strange aggressive cold atmosphere and even though it sounds like a rather modern metal track, it has an addicting style and something more to offer. The song is monotonous but has many progressive little changes in style that make the whole thing a great listening experience. The jazzy passages of "Wot We Do" that are used in a wrong and strange way several times on this record happen to sound fresh on this track that stands out as another highlight even though the song title is once again horrible. It's a long time ago that Queensrÿche sounded as progressive as in the few mentioned tracks and after a terrible first third the band improves a lot.

In the end, this record is maybe the weirdest and most incoherent one I have ever listened to in my life. There are so many influences of different genres, weird ideas and experiments that the band could have created three albums with this material and they prove us that they still have something to say. The band is maybe more creative than ever in the last two decades but there is some soul, emotion and elegance missing that made those guys a pioneer band for many progressive rock and metal bands. I don't know any other band that has fallen so down in a career and that went from a permanently excellent level on a permanently mediocre to low level. This album underlines the band's fate.

They have nothing left to lose and nobody expects much from them but by risking so much as on this release, the band still loses focus and goes too hard into a commercial direction or too hard in a progressive direction. This record is difficult to digest and has a more than mellow start and appears to be the worst album of the band history in the beginning. Finally, there are some songs that find the right way between commercial attempts and progressive sounds and should hit the nerve of those who remained faithful to the band but this is not enough to justify a buy or give us a true sign of rehabilitation. This record is even more difficult to defend and appreciate as the last one.

Artistically, the band still has many possibilities, ideas and creative moments that keep themselves alive until the next deception. But if they really want to come back to form the next time, the band should focus much more and release maybe two different records which should be one with rather modern and commercial sounds and the other one filled with weird and experimental sound collages. This record here asks multiples listening, a lot of patience and an open mind for different skills and styles. This record is the most difficult, uneasy and controversial one Queensrÿche have ever created even if I didn't think this was possible. There is no truly catchy potential hit single or outstanding progressive track on the record and even if you see the album as a whole it seems completely disturbing and there are a lot of lights and shades. Listen to this at your own risks but when you do so take your time, be patient and don't expect too much from the beginning on. Be sure to get the special edition as the four bonus tracks happen to belong to the better songs on this crazy record.

In the end, I must admit that this album might be a grower of the weirdest kind after a few tries. Just carry on and expect that this record is truly dedicated to chaos as I told you. My final rating is a mixture of positive surprises and bitter disappointments and seems much more ordinary than it really is if you have read my whole review.
The "thinking man's band" perhaps has gone its course, or simply have found peace within the internal camp of what they should be. After Chris DeGarmo left, they have tried too many times to be who they were --with no success. Now, they seem to be more conformtable in this zone, inviting external writers to help them out lining some music composition. The result is less-Queensryche. But perhaps it is what's best for them -for now. Those purist Queensryche will despise this effort. Yet you can hear elements of Empire or Promised Land here, sadly only a few. I am more disappointed that Michael Wilton's guitar playing is somewhat limited. And they have now Parker Lundgren as Wilton's side kick. Why would they bother hiring Kelly Gray adding more guitars?
Awful, just Awful...

I would like to say that this is rock bottom, but they keep redefining what rock bottom is. First they ruined the reputation of Mindcrime by making a bland sequel, then created horrible renditions of once decent songs on Take Cover, then they wanted to bank on the Army Demographic with American Soldier delivering a boring album with WAY to many spoken parts. Then they really disgraced themselves with Queensryche Ca-beret. What a sad spectacle that was. I've never seen a band hit rock bottom so many times. So finally after all these distraction albums, now finally a strait up new Queensryche album, and man is this CD bad.

This album is SO VERY BORING. I can barely get through it, always instinctively wanting to skip to the next track just to find the same disappointment. Pretty much every track is bland and generic with no complexity or emotion. Its like pop music, but its even bad by pop standards and this is a hard feat to accomplish. They embarrass themselves with song titles like Wot We Want and Big Noize. I really don't know who this is supposed to appeal to. Its not going appeal to kids who don't know about Queensryche, so it wont make them new fans, and its certainly going to alienate older fans such as myself. The only people who will buy this are the one's obsessed with QR enough to ignore the elephant in the room and refuse to call a spade a spade, but what ever, that is there problem. In the end this album is just terrible.

It needs to be said that this band is not the same without Chris Degarmo. Degarmo's departure would be like if Jimmy Page left Led Zeppelin, there's no way to compensate that absence. Micheal Wilton is just awful and so is Tate's arrogance and ego. Degarmo balanced everything out and brought depth to the band, much in the same way that Kevin Moore brought depth to Dream Theater, but what ever.

At this point I wash my hands of Queensryche. I had some small hope for this album, but that hope has died. Unless something ground shattering happens ( something the equivalent of Portnoy leaving) then I am done with Queensryche.

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  • GWLHM76
  • TheHeavyMetalCat
  • Fant0mas
  • kalacho
  • ultmetal
  • michelandrade
  • DippoMagoo
  • Necrotica
  • vandalize
  • powermetal2000
  • StargazerSlave
  • Lynx33
  • Unitron
  • sepozzsla
  • kx1992
  • guitarherosucks
  • Pelata
  • eduardo.alvm
  • MetalMirror
  • Jan
  • Colt
  • diamondblack
  • progpostman
  • silversaw
  • 666sharon666
  • sauromat
  • NorseGangsta
  • aecht

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