Split · 2006
Side A
1. Hellthrone - Tyrants (01:58)
2. Hellthrone - Voice of Hate (03:22)
3. Hellthrone - Hymn to Hate (03:03)
4. Hellthrone - World Turns Sick (02:55)
5. Hellthrone - Drug and Violence (01:42)
6. Hellthrone - Anal Prophecy (04:52)
7. Hellthrone - War Kommando (03:18)
8. Ur - Odolezko Ahotsak (01:45)
9. Ur - Oroimena (07:12)
10. Ur - Birjaiotza (08:40)
11. Ur - Mendekua (01:21)
12. Sentimen Beltza - Mi lenta Muerte (06:03)
13. Sentimen Beltza - Sentimen Beltza (04:35)
14. Sentimen Beltza - Etorkizunik gabeko bizitzak (05:30)
15. Sentimen Beltza - Azken Garrazia (04:40)
Total Time 60:56
Sentimen Beltza
- Oindurth SaVinitta / all instruments, vocals
- Lord of the Hellthrone / all instruments, vocals
- Arghura / all instruments, vocals, lyrics
About this release
Sentimen Beltza / Hellthrone / Ur split.
Released July 5th, 2006 on Gorpubelatze Productions. Cassette, 400 copies.
Thanks to Bosh66 for the addition